Desktop and android app

Support for both of these was stopped. It was only that it runed the browser in the app and you should just use https://scratch-for-discord.com/.

How to Hide token in Replit?


My bot donΒ΄t want to go on

Make sure to follow everything in Bot Setup and Hosting

Try typing kill 1 in shell

Try Forking the code to new replit

Still donΒ΄t wanna go on?

Check if you are receiving any errors.

Most common error is cannot find module [MODULE_NAME] for this just run npm i [MODULE_NAME] in the shell.

Hosting bot 24/7

  1. Add a new monitor with method Http(s)

  2. Your bot should stay alive!

Exporting code not working

Open a Developer console and check for errors, you can open it by pressing F12

Which host do I use?

You can Either use https://replit.com/, https://railway.app/, https://client.dishost.xyz/, https://www.cyclic.sh/

Unexpected token

Looks like you forgot to fill some value?

Unexpected end of JSON input

There are missing brackets { or } in your .json file

Unexpected string in JSON at position

You are missing a comma somewhere in your .json file


Kick & Ban


Specific Channel


Where are forum blocks?

Discord.js DonΒ΄t allows us to make them.

How to do Duration?

if you want something like 1m (1 min), 2h (2 hours)

You can do it using command handler (examples)

and then multiplying the value with seconds

How to use custom Emojis?

Input their ID or for message:

non animated: <:ID:NAME> animated: <a:ID:NAME>

Slash Commands

Last updated