Bot Setup

Application Creation and Management

Application Creation

  1. Click on on the top right button "New Application"

  2. In the modal, input a name in the "name" field, then click on the button "create"

Application Customization

On the left, there is a sidebar menu which has an option "General Information" This is where you can customize the bot and add more information

Bot Creation

  1. Click on the menu "Bot"

  2. Click on the far right button "Add Bot"

  3. Scroll down to the sections "Privileged Gateway Intents", and turn all of them on


Scratch for Discord does only work with all Privileged Gateway Intents allowed:





Once a bot exceeds 100 servers:

  • An official verification from Discord is needed

Get the Token

  1. Get the token by clicking on the button "Reset Token", then click on the button "Copy"

It is impossible to get an already created token: If you have lost it, you need to reset it

Bot Invitation

  1. Go to the sidebar menu "OAuth2", then on the sub-menu "URL generator"

  2. Select the option "bot"

  3. Select the bot permissions you need (Recommandation: for a private bot, choose Administrator)

  4. Below the permissions menu, browse to the URL

  5. Invite the bot to the server you need

Last updated