
Databases are used to keep your values after your bot has been rebooted.

unlike Variables, databases will keep it.


use this for "start" if you don´t understand any other, the most easiest database

Creating a new database


Output will be "world" because you previously set it in the database


How to store money for different users?


Works the same as JSON database, just you must create an account at https://www.mongodb.com/

  1. Create an account

  2. Create a new cluster "shared"

  3. That is free up to 500 MB of data

  4. click on connect

  5. connect your application

  6. copy the text

  7. change your username and password

  8. go to security / network access and add IP

  9. add your link to the connect to mongoDB block

  10. Install the plugin by running npm i git+https://github.com/ahqsoftwares/quickmongo.git in the shell, and you are done!


Basic Database that is used the most and everywhere.

works the same as JSON or MongoDB


Database made specially for Replit.com

It has less functions, but it exists.

you can only get, set and delete, so I have no idea why to use this one...

Last updated